samedi 30 novembre 2013


The VAT raise will destroy 6000
 employment positions and 2000 equine structures
and send 80000 to slaughterhouses!

The French government has just decided to raise from
7% to 20% the VAT applied to riding classes and boarding
fees. For riders as for equestrian centers, the decision is very badly received.
Extremely badly…

In December 2012, only a year ago, the subject was already at the heart of every concern. At the time, the the prospect of an increase of the VAT rate had nearly been dropped. But it has been brought back and this time the Damocles sword (threat) hung above the equestrian facilities has fallen. (cf below)
On November 13th 2013 the government has passed a law stipulating a raise from 7% to 20% of the VAT rate starting January 2014. Stephane le Fol, Minister of Agriculture, justifies this choice explaining France had pleaded the maintain a reduced rate faced with the European Commission, yet to no avail. Therefore is obliged to apply the full rate as soon as 2014, or it would risk a new condemnation by the European Court of Justice, this time for failure over failure. A condemnation synonym with for the State of a heavy fine (several ten of millions of Euros) and of an obligation of $250000 per day of failure.

Disastrous consequences

As an attempt to counteract this VAT raise, the horse world, so often divided, has this time gathered solidly to mobilize and heavily protest against the decision. For the industry, the challenge is huge as this measure will definitely raise all the fees and damage many structures and even endanger the whole development of horse riding. According to the Groupement Hippique National, which gathers and defends all the French equestrian centers, the Horse National Federation and the FNSEA ( other horse federation), the VAT raise will destroy 6000 employment positions and 2000 enterprises and send 800000 horses to slaughterhouses.  That’s the last straw and aberration for activities which couldn’t be more local, which can’t be delocalized and are in no way a hampering factor to the European market functioning. “Raise the VAT to 20 % puts the equestrian facilities to a double burden, the president of the FFE (French Federation of Horse riding), as they already have to face with the impact of the economy crisis. Last year, we have registered a decrease of 2% in the number of registered licensed riders, this year, it should be of 6%. Without counting the areas where schools have already applied the organization of scholar rhythms, the activity has decreased of 15% in average. An equestrian center has an annual turnover of 130 000EURO of which only 10% remains for the head owner. This is the reality the equestrian centers’ owners live on an monthly salary of 1000 to 1500 EURO per month.”

In order to minimize, at least temporarily the impact of this raise, the minister of the economy, Pierre Moscovisci, has announced a few measures to back up the facilities. Thus, the contracts agreed on before December 2013 will continue to benefit from the reduced tax rate until their expiration and at the latest December 2014. A special help, via a Horse stock managed by the president of the equine field, but of which we don’t know anything for now, should be granted to the equestrian facilities. The government explains that it “will defend the possibility to apply a reduced tax rate to equestrian activities within the reviewing of the VAT , with the will to obtain results in 2014”.
Serge Lecomte, president of the FFE deplores this raise, which “goes against the survival of many equestrian centers and heavily jeopardizes the entire welfare of the horse industry”, immediately called up all the structures to mobilize themselves. Early November, many riders and equestrian centers had already monopolized the social networks and demonstrated in the street in Amiens, Argenton sur Creuse, Paris, Montpellier, to express their discontent and fears . Other actions have been programmed and the protest should grow. For now, this engaged fight hasn’t managed to make the government bent. For the time being , only?

VAT : history of a struggle France – Europe

January 1st 2005 : the French State having acknowledged the agriculture scope of the equestrian activities, decides to grant a low VAT rate.

December 16th 2010 : The European Commission engages a procedure against France because of this reduction, which according to them should only apply to horses meant for meat consumption.

March 8th 2012 : The European Justice Court condemns France to apply this reduced tax rate.

June 22nd, 2012 : Following that condemnation, the European Commission asks the French government to apply a full rate to horses sales and to horse riding classes.

January 1st 2013 : the French state decides to apply a VAT of 19,6% on horses sales, but maintain a reduce rate of 7% on horse riding teaching , on boarding fees , claiming they are physical activities and a sport, and as such should only be taxed lightly.

November 13th 2013 : reviewing its latest appreciation, the government publishes a decree abrogating the reduced tax rate over the equestrian activities which allowed the rate to transfer from 7% to 20%.
Non à la TVA

mercredi 1 mai 2013


Reiki - Traitement à distance - Les bienfaits du Reiki en cas de deuil - Reiki - Distance healing sessions - How can Reiki help in transitions and grieving.

Certains animaux habitent trop loin du lieu de vie du praticien pour envisager un traitement direct. D'autres peuvent être très craintifs, de petite taille, âgés ou fragiles, proches de la mort et se détendent davantage en absorbant l'énergie du Reiki à distance.

Pour les personnes à l'emploi du temps très chargé, alterner les sessions en présence ou à distance, est un moyen très efficace de procurer tous les bienfaits du Reiki à leur animal de façon plus pratique.

Dans les situations d'urgence, un traitement à distance peut se programmer plus facilement et plus rapidement. De même, si un animal semble couver une maladie ou a besoin de soutien supplémentaire pendant un traitement vétérinaire déjà établi, une session à distance lui apportera ce dont il a besoin. 

Le Reiki à distance offre les mêmes bénéfices que le Reiki en apposant les mains directement sur l'animal : soulageant ainsi l’animal au niveaux physique, émotionnel, et spirituel. Par exemple, un traitement Reiki à distance peut apporter un soulagement de nombreuses maladies, agir en préventif ou aider à la récupération après une chirurgie et peut aider énormément les situations de fin de vies ou deuil.

En effet, le Reiki aide dans de nombreuses situations qui impliquent à la fois le deuil de l'animal tout en aidant son propriétaire à traverser cette épreuve. 
Un traitement à distance peut être également utilisé pour guérir un traumatisme lié au passé de l'animal.
Un traitement a distance peut etre egalement utilise pour guérir un traumatisme lie au passe de l'animal.

English version 

Distant Healing is very effective and can be preferable to hands-on treatments in some instances.

Some animals may live too far away for hands-on treatments. Others may be extremely small, fearful of strangers, old and fragile, or close to death and may be better able to relax and absorb Reiki distantly. For people with very busy schedules, alternating distant Reiki treatments and in-person treatments are a great way to be able to give your animal the benefits of Reiki more conveniently. Distant treatments are also quick to schedule. Similarly, if an animal seems to be coming down with something or needs additional support between treatments, distant healing will provide what is needed.

Distant Reiki offers the same benefits as hands-on Reiki: physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. For example, a distant Reiki treatment can provide pain relief for various illnesses and injuries, accelerated healing from surgery, emotional healing, including healing for behavioral issues, prevention of illness or accelerated healing of an illness, and can greatly ease the transition to death. Distant Reiki is also helpful in healing family situations that may involve your animal and in helping human companions with the process of an animal's death. A distant treatment can also be sent to heal a traumatic event in your animal's past.



lundi 11 février 2013

How animals guide us in a healing way....

Story, from Tao to Gaia


Ten days ago, one of my cats Tao died during a surgery. His passing away leaves a huge void and heavy sorrows. However, I tend to believe, animals like humans have a destiny and when « the time of their death is meant to strike, it does , for reasons beyond our common understanding. Sometimes they seem more obvious. Often a beloved one passing away opens new doors for those he leaves behind, as long as we manage to keep an open heart, beyod the sadness the mourning causes. This is what the following story tends to prove.

                Tao was a true life companion….As an animal, he was the kindest and most affectionate cat. His black and white fur had the softness of a rabbit’s. He had a soothign presence and I woudl even say he played the part of a « guide ». I liked to call him “my little assistant”- as when I wrote, he liked to come and sit by the computer, sometimes in my arms, which made the typing somehow difficult ;)When he wanted to be cuddled, he would roll on my feet and rubbed his chin against my ankles until I pick him up in my arms. Beyond his cat’s role and his language – often he seems to talk and answer our questions or interrogations. He had a kind of spiritual presence which I think beyond our material world goes on and guides us. 

                Tao was suffering from tooth abcesses on all the upper jaw molar teeth , which caused him digestive problems and diffictulty chewing. The veterinarian who followed him, chose to treat him with antibiotics while suggesting to extract the teeth, which seemed inevitable at some point. But considering his age, I hesitated a lot to have him operated on. We asked the advice of another vet, who out of care and worry for the cat’s comfort, and avoid too big a deterioration of the digestive system, suggested to operate him. Once all the preliminary tests and precautions were taken – blood tests etc…- everything seemed normal, and the green light was up.

Sadly, Tao never woke up from the surgery. For a whole week, I was loaded in a huge sorrow. The feeling to be victim of a huge unfairness and powerlessness , and the guilt to have abandoned him haunted me…understanding, In spite of the support from genuine animal lovers as I am, to start with a vet, who has been able to show more compassion and a rare understanding, I was unable to calm my anger and pain to have lost Tao.

A friend animal communicator told me he had probably passed away to help another cat in distress find a good home. Another friend suggested to stay alert : that his soul was probably still close and would always help me from up above.
If I were cautious and open enough, I could receive signs – through events, or through other animals. A friend had told me, after her mare died of a drastic colic, that she could feel her energy in the arms’ of her boyfriend. Indeed, this sort of experience would have been nice and soothing…

I think I have perceived puzzling facts – the reactions between two female cats at home, who seemed to look for Tao at times, and mewed in a specific way like he used to….Dragonflies which flew in a kind of ballet dancing in the garden and above the roof, as if to convey the message, if the cat was gone, a new chapter was opening in our life under the sign of renewal – the symbol of the dragonfly….Then the behavior of other animals I was working on in reiki sessions, who were behaving very affectionate and present, without knowing me at all before.

Anyway, I wanted to find Tao in another cat….to find the special bond these animals with such a particular profile bring us both in presence and affective dimension….

My horse, with whom I have a very privileged bond, was able to show the greatest support, but his energy is completely different from a cat’s .

                Last Saturday, on a hunch, I decided to take a completely different road to come back home and find some peace, and spend some time in a retreated nature bower. I got off the car, in front of a field, where I was admiring the sunset.

On  the other side, of the road, I heard a muffled sound of an animal, who was moaning. Intrigued, I stepped closer and as I was trying to figure out where the sound, increasing , was coming from, it clearly sounded like a cat’s mewing. The more he got closer, I managed to see black and white spots!

I had a distinct feeling of joy, Tao  « was coming back »….At the same time, I felt a kind of hunch I needed to help the little female cat which ran up to me. She must have been about 6  months old and almost jumped into my hands, curiously behaved the same way he used to – the same purring….I hesitated a little, not knowing how I could carry her in the car, without a proper box or cage….She didn’t hesitate or let me the time to think any longer : in a few seconds, she crawled up into the car and sat on the rear seat of the car, of her own initiative.

During the trip, I was surprised she stayed perched up the rear seat, and was waiting wisely that I picked her up into my arms to put her in a quiet room at home, away from the other animals.

                Throughout the week-end, I was unsettled, hesitating to keep her, or place her , not convinced take a new cat so alike Tao would be the best way to grieve him. I did some researched to make sure she had not escaped from another household from the neighborhood where I had found her. I finally figured she had come from that old farm where the owners mistreat their animals, badly fed, kick them or chase them with broom sticks or let their non neutered female cats give birth completely abandoned in the skirting woods,…

This is actually where all the cats I’ve ownerd Tao, and the little female I had found by the road side at 4 months old, when she had followed me like a dog and she had have kept 15 years, Shannon, had all come from and came to our house for shelter..

Meanwhile throughout the Sunday, I felt very weird, as feeling pains in my lower stomach, such as cramps….
A friend offered me to keep the little black and white cat, time for me to place her . But on Monday, I didn’t have the feeling it was the right thing to do for the cat.
I decided to book an appointment at my vet for Tuesday mornign . The afternoon went by and I didn’t understand why I still felt cramps in my stomach which were becoming almost unbearable.
 Tuesday when I arrived at the vet’s office, the visit revealed she was suffering from a womb infection – obviously pregnant, but her embryos were dead…If she wasn’t operated on immediately, she was going to die!
The vet who is familiar with Reiki, confirmed not only my hunch and intuition had been right. The pains were the cat’s and I also saved her life bringing her the cat so fast. She added she was stunned by my abilities to perceive the feeling of the animal in distress to that extent.

I have the feeling Tao guided me towards that place , towards that female cat and saved her life in placing me on her path !

Another coincidence, when I was thinking of what name to give her, Gaia came spontaneously to me and calling her out that way, she was reacting to the name. When on Tuesday the secretary said the year letter was in G, and was talking about a little dog named Gaia, I decided to name the cat like that!

As I write this story, Gaïa is buried against me, exactly as Tao used to. She is quietly recovering from her surgery and has already got used to her surroundings. She spends her night muffled on the bed comforter , huddled against my pillow, and rubs her nuzzle against my cheek now and then in the morning. She speaks like him, and seems to understand everything I tell her and radiates a kind of aura similar to Tao’s.  

It feels as if Tao sent her, or had guided me to save her life. This morning again, the vet was consolidating the bandages on her belly to avoid the stitches to be torn off. And was saying “ this little cat is adorable and extraordinary”, while Gaïa was stroking her fingers with her little paws , without clawing her. She approved she was consoling us of Tao’s passing away and at the same time was saying “ it seems she says thank you for saving my life!”

My turn, I thank Tao, Gaïa and all our companion animals, life partners, for all they bring us, while being alive on this earth and then from the beyond and to our dear vets, who devote their lives to their well-being and their owners’.


mardi 5 février 2013


What is REIKI?

Reiki is a hands-on healing technique where the practitioner channels the universal energy by placing hands on the patient.
It is a purifient energy which benefits healing and restores balance.

In Japonese Reiki means :

Rei = energy

Ki = life
which translates as « life energy ».

-Brings additional energy which harmonizes and revives the body, decreases stress,  reduces stress and relaxes deeply, releases pains,  relieves tensions,

-It stimulates the self-regulation and self-healing ability of the body
-Strengthens the natural recovery functions, after a trauma,
-Corrects physical and emotional unbalances by liberating the causes at the root of the blockings anchored in the cell memory, detoxifies, and purifies
-It invigorates organs
-Strengthens the immune system
- Enhances the efficiency of a medical treatment
- Helps to maintain good health, and mental quietness.



Like us, animals are constituted of energy levels which are prone to unsettling events, which cause problems on their physical and mental balance.

Reiki works very well on our animal friends as it is soft, not intruding, and it doesn’t require any effort, the results are powerful and efficitent.

Reiki helps the heps and increases the healing process of some diseases :

- Emotions ( stress related to transportations, competitions, reaces, dressage, veterinary visits, travels…)
- Behavioral ( fright, aggresivity,depression )
- Physical  ( surgery, old age, aches and pains of various origins…)


Thanks to Reiki animals can:

- recover Balance – Vivacity – Peace – Sociability – Appetite
- recover more quickly after a sports event
- Produce more milk ( milking cows…)
- Reiki calms down fearful or wild animals and revives fragile, weak, old or aggressive animals.


Reiki healing does not replace a veterinarian diagnosis, nor can be substituted for his medical prescriptions, or his care, but completes them perfectly.




Horses’ extreme sensitivity makes them very receptive to energy healing. Just as in humans, behavioral problems and most of the pathologies ( digestive problems, ulcers, tics, low energy etc…) are related to stress.

Actually, a horse can be stressed due to numerous causes. Some events such as noise, transportations, competitions, environment agitation, training, are elements which can trigger stress, horses have trouble coping with.

While helping them unwind, Reiki helps them release the pressure, will help boost their self confidence and they will be less anxious, in facing the most unsettling situations with more serenity.
A mount’s stress usually mirrors his rider’s anguishes. By treating both, Reiki will enable to create a new relationship where trust between man and animal is increased.

Reiki benefits horses :
- in pain 
- those who are anxious, aggresive, travel badly, lack vital energy, have behavioral problems, such as tics, mood swings, depression....


Reiki helps and accelerates the healing process of numerous pathologies.

It soothes :
-muscular, articulations, dental problems, allergies, digestive problems, colic, kidney problems, dehydration, respiratory problems…....
- soothes and restores the animal balance in case of physical or psychic traumas

- speeds the healing process of wounds, bites (snakes) , or insects, inflammations….
- eases the animal comfort in rehabilitation, get back in shape, after a surgery
- helps lower temperature
- increase appetite

It helps horses go through certain ordeals 
- mares who foal for the first time
- neutering
- mourning of a friend horse
- brutal change or living accommodation, place

As it shifts back the horse’s physical and psychic energy balance, it enables him to reach better results at work, in competiting, in training, on race tracks….This way, 
·         Brings more suppleness and flexibility to horses
·         Improves easiness in moves and in the three gaits walk/trot/canter
·         Benefits a better focuss before and after a sports event
·         Allows higher performances results
        Benefits a better recovering after the event