mercredi 13 août 2014

ODE TO THE HORSE , to new beginnings....


The Horse : a mirror to ourselves, a
bridge to Others, and teacher of acceptance, forgiveness
In self respect or faced to a situation, the horse
leads us to a rebirth – reconnecting to our deepest authentic truth and source
– at the origin of our existence, and unity with the all.
many people on a spiritual quest and persons treading “ off the beaten tracks”,
due to his lifestyle nowadays, the Horse is a teacher : he prompts us to a
return to ourselves, close to nature, which isn’t the way our society has
evolved. He enables and journeys with us making our progress easier for the one
who accepts and manages to tune in and listen to his animal companion. The
person who dares impose himself/herself siding up and voicing his horse’s
interest when faced with ordeals that the modern horse world can gain so much.
Nowadays the horse world is first and foremost geared towards competition –
sports in quest of visible results and won’t appreciate so much as a real
approach to the Horse as a living being of his own, before the sports tool he
is seen as.
Sadly, as this new and fresh approach to our
beautiful companion can prove life changing.
If we tune into our
Horse and know how to grant him the place of a living being of his own, which
he deserves, he will know to reward and bring us way more than his functions of
faithful mount or geographical evasion.
His generosity,
devotion capacity, authenticity, total mirror of our emotions, what goes on
deep inside us and we aren’t even aware of, as precisely as he knows to read us
and reveals us. To have lost freedom which was his true birth right, he learned
to give up many advantages and space, to become our most loyal companion.
It would be wise and in
the best interest of many riders, owners, to take the step, as a give back for
the many treasures that horses bring us. A return to him – and by this process
– a way to ride and move on in total harmony and agreement with ourselves, the
way nature goes.
This involves surely a true self questioning, self
help work and choices. Yet comparing with the failures, setbacks and suffering
which come from resisting or forgetting the basic needs of our horses, once
respected and heard, they carry a true gift. This new insight into the Horse,
opens a new path with him to ride along in real freedom and fusion. 
                 The way to
Freedom, return to ourselves as human beings in agreement with a precious
being, alley, who understands us. Here's to New beginnings. I.B. Aug. 13th, 2014

samedi 28 juin 2014


                                  LOCATE PAINT MARE 

She’s a lovely Paint mare solid Bay with beautiful shooting star shaped blaze, one white sock on the rear left leg. 11 years old. Her name is Lola.

During my training in natural horsemanship in the Bay Area a few years ago I cared for her,  to help the trainer who had rescued her just after she was abandoned by her ex owner. We made a very special bond I never let go of. Since last time I heard about her she was still up North Bay area, she has been moved to Southern California recently.

I would be most grateful to receive information from anybody who may be able to help me locate her. I would love to hear from her.

jeudi 5 juin 2014



What if softness was way more powerful than it seems ? For the psychologist and philosopher Anne Dufourmantelle, it is urgent to grasp its scope. Here are practical advices to experience it to the fullest.

The story takes place during the First World War. An Italian hides in the mountain with his men, with the order to defend a mountain pass. On night, he hears a group move. The German are very close. By lack of supplies and ammunitions, it will be hard to resist them. Without warning anybody, he ventures towards the enemy camp. Half way through, he hears a song rise from a record player. Upset, he decides to move uncovered, a surrender sign in his hand. He is captured and brought to the German officer. The record still plays. The two men know the recitative. They speak all night. The Italian explains the situation. The following day, the German releases him. He never gave the assault order, letting time to his enemies to move away and escape him…This story is true she has been told by Anne Dufourmantelle in her latest book. It’s a story of softness.

Our society is of a shocking brutality. To depreciate better, it qualifies the values related to softness of “prettiness”, the philosopher notices. It distorts these values as a kind of sweet candy thing.” Ask yourself the question, feel the difference. Softness, is it this pink climate painted in honey and light? No, softness is subtlety, refinement, elegance. It is not kindness, as it isn’t a moral value. It isn’t docility – soft doesn’t mean obedient, or dull. It isn’t an idea, or an emotion, but an innate fleshy, immanent experience – we instinctively know that something is soft. Then why consider it as a weakness? Think it over : toughness seems to give a status, but is is really the case? “ Answer to anger with anger, strength by strength, is very childish” underlines Anne Dufourmantelle. Softness moves and emancipates. Because it doesn’t give in to passion, nor display, it is sometimes subversive. Look at Gandhi, Mandela, King : their positioning shows softness can be a power and an ethic. 


Faced with a situation, what do we decide to see, how do we decide to behave? This choice belongs to us, it confronts us to our part of shadows. “True softness contains in itself the seed of brutality, Anne Dufourmantelle confirms. If it is only passivity or a systematic escape from conflict, it is a psychological handicap.” Its interest lies in this subtle balance, the small thread which holds it, the constant vigilance it requires. “ Whether it is the highest expression of sensitivity and in each moment, may disappear.” When it is preferred to an option for violence, she is the intention of good….
Thus, let’s go. Eyes closed, comfortably settled, let’s meditate every morning and evening on the moments of delicateness and caring which have fed us. Let’s visualize and feel. What have they brought us? How do they shine still? Or contrarily, when did we feel we lack of such moments? What were the consequences? Then let’s tell us that we will reopen to softness. Perceive it, welcome it and spread it. Choose attention, listening and relationship…Even if this may get us prone to get into a codependence well understood – we all have something to gain from it. “An urgent choice, as most traumas find their origins in a lack of softness.” the psychologist reminds.

And then? Managed, nurtured, softness has an impact in proportion to what it seems to be. Read again Rimbaud, Baudelaire, you’ll see how their poetry shape shift the roughness of reality. Anchored in every day life, softness has the power to transcend the order of the every day living…Experience it, isn’t it sometimes to feel as being in fusion mind to mind, energy to energy, with a being, a situation, an atmosphere? Isn’t it suddenly feel inhabited with a self confidence , a feeling of wholeness, a truth…”From what doesn’t shown in the appearance of things and phenomenon, what escapes from any endeavor even when it is given”. There you are : softness is the” suavity of the ineffable”, the clue to a subtle plan, “a divine part in us”, blend of power and caring.” So let’s move forward : by widening our consciousness, sometimes in upsetting them to make place to softness, we pave the way to a “homecoming to ourselves, which is to say, with what crosses and creates the foundation of a life, an idea of justice, a way to love and give” to grasp the essence of the world.


The stroke of an early morning. A piece of butter, melting on a toast. Grass under your feet, fresh water on your face. A bird song. A child’s laughter, his skin against yours. A shawl you wrap yourself in. The dance of a flame, a cat’s walk, the curve of a sculpture, two eyes crossing. A dish cooking, cooked by a closed one. The resource in ourselves to say with tact difficult things. The sudden peace of a person about to let out his last breath…See how, when looking at it closely, softness is everywhere it is perceptible in the sensitive relationship with everything. Its power doesn’t play out in the big resolution, but in the way we look at our environment, take an object, approach a stranger…”God dwells in the details…”Anne Dufourmantelle confirms. Experience it. Are you reading? Feel the softness of paper, the whisper of the pages as you turn them, the poetry of a photo, the inspiring echo of some words. Instantly, softness triggers a soothing effect. It is reassuring, wraps us up. But it isn’t all : observe how in this state of awareness time stretches, present acquires a muffled thickness, the mind melts with the senses and opens the door of the spirit.

vendredi 2 mai 2014


Whenever I treat a horse, I make a point in connecting with him on a soul level and open to him, emotionally to let him express channel whatever he may be experiencing in the moment. I insist that the owner be present, as usually she/he always verbally comes to express some of the information the horse would channel and the energy from the session helps the process flow.  Or what he needs to feel from his owner – nowadays a horse is totally dependent on his owner as leading figure as opposed to the herd hierarchy where some horse have the protective role over another.

            At the beginning of the session, I clearly sensed the horse was in a panic over something missing, experiencing as if a loss or separation anxiety issue. I asked his owner if anything unusual had happened, something missing? Another horse around, as I intuitively perceived. She did confirm a little mare in the opposite stall was missing, had been taken to a jumping clinic in the morning.
            She said she found her horse already upset when she came to ride in the afternoon, he was very fidgety, not concentrated and as if wanting to escape. Nothing like his usual self. As we spoke and I focused on him, he slowly released the turmoil of panic and fear, almost guilt and concern I felt boiling in him. He first stopped circling around in the stall, to stop at the window and absorb the healing energy I made a point in sending him at a distance for him to feel more air. His owner said he is by nature very protective of mares mainly this one in this barn. As she spoke I sensed from him, he clearly sensed danger for the mare and risk of accident…

            Understanding where his distress came from, his owner apologized via I to him, expressing her guilt to have been hard on him earlier riding as she didn’t understand why he behaved so weirdly.

            Relaxing more and more, he finally ate his grains and his hay, which had been left untouched all day. Meanwhile as I sent him healing energy, I tried to channel to him the message as protective as he is, in the kind of set up horses live in, now dependent on their owners, not the herd hierarchy, this mare’s responsibility is in the hands of her owner, no his fault , or duty to feel guilty, so he could let go of the guilt and powerlessness I did feel from him in the situation. I added she would made her best to keep her mare safe. He was back to quiet and rested after 40 min of session and has stayed this way since then.

            However, two days later, we got confirmation his distress was significant = the mare and rider got in an accident during the competition, none of them was injured in.  Obviously the horse had sensed this coming. Horses do have psychic abilities, which blended with energy healing can be very enlightening for both riders and their horses. As a couple, work even more efficiently in the healing process of many different pathologies. 


 Animal-Speak: The Spiritual and Magical Power of Creatures Great and Small: “If a horse has shown up in your life, it may be time to examine aspects of freedom and travel within your life. Are you feeling constricted? Do you need to move on or allow others to move on? Is it time to assert your freedom and power in new areas? Are you doing your part to assist civilization within your own environment? Are others? Are you honoring what this civilization has given you? Horse brings with it new journeys. It will teach you how to ride into new directions to awaken and discover your own freedom and power.”

Horses as Inspiration in Your Everyday Life

Finally, God can speak to you powerfully every day that you interact with horses in your everyday life.

“Horses connect with our souls — the part of us that links us to everything,” writes Allan J. Hamilton in his book Zen Mind, Zen Horse: The Science and Spirituality of Working with Horses. “Horses help us find those bonds. The connections become as real as the ground we walk on.”

Hamilton writes that horses “offer us a unique opportunity to see ourselves in ‘divine mirrors,’ reflecting back the chi we give off in our own emotions, to show ourselves in the moment. Horses react to what lies in our hearts, not in our heads.” He later adds: “They are perfect teachers because they uncover your real motivation. They tell you when you’re wholeheartedly committed or faking it, when you’re making a sacred vow or just paying lip service. Horses see what’s holding you back. And when you find the courage to confront those shortcomings, horses will always reward you with a way to overcome them.”



lundi 28 avril 2014

Horses - How Reiki treats emotional distress or limbs congestion....- Chevaux - Temoignage - Reiki sur les troubles emotionnels & engorgements ds membres


My horse was often suffering from rear fetlock joints. According to the vet, it was due to his age and nothing could be done about it. Yet thanks to Isabelle's healing care, he has recovered a second youth in his four legs. Her healing energy sessions have benefitted him a lot. One day, I found him in his stall in a total panic. He was turning in circles, distressed he wouldn't even touch his hay, or grain feed. Totally at a loss what to do, I called Isabelle who came very quickly and managed to bring him back to calm and serenity. Thank you so much to her!

Mon cheval prenait de l'âge et était souvent engorgé. Pour le vétérinaire c'était son âge et rien ne pourrait y faire. Mais grâce aux soins d'Isabelle le lendemain il avait retrouvé une deuxième jeunesse au niveau de ses membres. Ses soins ont souvent été très bénéfiques sur lui, un jour je l'ai retrouvé  complètement paniqué dans son box. Il tournait horriblement angoissé et cela toute la journée, il ne touchait même pas à son foin et ses granulés. Totalement impuissante, j'ai donc fais appel à isabelle qui est venue très vite et a réussi à le calmer et le rendre serein.  Un grand merci à elle !! 

Melanie B/ 64 . Pau.France.

jeudi 20 février 2014



Stephanie, pinto-arabian horses breeder arrives one morning in her nursery, the remote place where foals are born. Kenza a chestnut brooding mare shows an unusual behavior.
“That day, things don’t unfold as usual. Kenza stands apparently serene. She has just delivered her first filly, Deesse’Spots who lies a few yards away from her. I was stunned, to find her so far from her mum. I look around to check the precious meconium ( first manure from a foal) which enables to conclude if its digestive system functions. I decide therefore to bring the filly close to her mum so she can suck her milk. Yet to my greatest surprise, Kenza bares her teeth and pushes her away to the point she could hurt her. I have to separate them. For a few days, I try to have the mother accept her filly. She accepts to be milked, which provides the essential colostrums to the filly which is elementary to its immune system, but she won’t tolerate the presence of the filly near her.  Kenza is soon running out of milk. I have to turn to a sheep breeder, as passionate about horses as I am, who provides milk whilst we’re looking for another solution.”
Every two hour, night and day, we have to give her the baby bottle who drinks greedily. But this rhythm soon draining. I have to find longer term solutions. The idea come to introduce her to Tarine, my first mare, my trustworthy friend for half a century.

Blind, Tarine has given me her all : in jumping, in cross country, dressage, outdoor rides, in horse ball and finally as a brooding mare. Tarine’s been retired for four years, and takes part in the breeding of her daughter, Padisha’s foals, who she is very keen on. When I go and get her, I whisper to her ear, “Come on my beauty, I have a new mission to entrust you with”, and I bring her close to the stall door where Deesse Spots stays.
My friend shows no sign of aggressiveness, therefore I decide to let Deesse step into a little paddock whilst keeping Tarine on a lunge, close by, then let her loose. First indifferent, Tarine seems to understand quickly what I expect from her. She comes closer slowly towards Deesse and seems to really worry about her when we pretend to take her back to her stall without her. We decide to keep an angle of the stall isolated with hay stacks so they can get acquainted with each other slowly each on one side of this natural wall.
The following day, we take the wall off. When Deesse moves to sneak under Tarine’s belly, I remember thinking :”This is when we can know if Tarine will accept her or not”. My old mare has lifted one of her rear legs to let the filly come closer. We’ve won! My eyes were brimming with tears, to see this wonderful gift she was giving us again. At 28, Tarine has become a mum for the fifth time. Deesse is now a month old and shares her life with Tarin, Padishah and Dream Spots, Tarine’s grand son and Deesse half brother. A beautiful family reshaped.
Stephanie Chaouat.