jeudi 23 janvier 2014

Book reference How Horses blend in as guides enhanced by Reiki us on our spiritual journey.

Reiki Energy Therapy with Horses

Gateway 2 Ranch is the home of Liz Mitten Ryan, a healer, painter and visionary, who with her husband Kevin, an architect, moved twelve years ago to 320 acres that was once part of the historic Stump Lake Ranch off highway 5A south of Kamloops, British Columbia. They live off the grid in a house above the barn, their community powered by solar panels scattered around the property and by a windmill whose whirling vanes rise above a rocky hilltop that slopes up behind the paddock. The barn houses the horses, Liz’s herd of nearly twenty, along with several dogs and the steer Tesoro, who thinks he is one of the herd.

Here Liz has been manifesting her dream to live close to nature and share her love of horses with people she welcomes from all over the world, who come to heal with the wisdom of the horses. The horses, as all animals,connect to higher consciousness and are able to tune and heal through toning and raising the vibration of people to resonate at the level of wholeness, wellness and oneness where interconnection with all life resides. From this connection Liz has channeled four award winning books, the first of which is One with the Herd.

On this unique property, Gateway 2 Ranch, Liz Mitten Ryan collaborates with her horses and with invited guest healers and experts in alternative healing modalities to channel universal life energy for physical and emotional healing of workshop participants, visitors and the earth.
One With the Herd

How Reiki helps in Self-Acceptance healing

Self-Acceptance Healing

Self-Acceptance Healing is a holistic approach to healing, focusing on the the mind/body/spirit connection. Reiki is life energy and is a core component of self-acceptance healing. It is used to balance, restore, relax and heal. It is widely accepted in the medical community for its healing benefits. It provides relief for physical pain and helps center our mind .  

Self-Acceptance is about awareness, authenticity, and most importantly... love. This is why Reiki is so important. Reiki is love energy that helps relax, calm, and integrate all levels of our being. When this happens, we attract more universal love into our life. More accurately, we accept more love into our life, since the love is always already there. We learn to recognize that we were meant to unfold in our own way and begin to trust our own inner guidance above all else.

This transforms our whole life. 

 This transformation happens even if there is no external change in circumstances... though most always there is. Self-love is the foundation. With this foundation, we become healthier. We make better choices for ourselves and our world. We let go of relationships that serve us no purpose. We experience and attract healthier relationships on a deeper and deeper level. We recognize what we want in life and become fearless in accepting the good that the universe wants to give us to support those desires. We unfold as we were meant to... beautifully, joyfully, lovingly.
Wherever you are in your life, when this change happens, joy flows in and fear steps out.